Please, Don't Be Silent Readers !!
To the Readers. we are please, Don't be a Readers only. but please, Leave your comment on every news you read. this could also be one way to share each others readers and the author. We can know Lack and Excess of the author, admins and co-admin. Thanks
this awesome video credit to : ratih
BalasHapushappy watching bummies!!!!! ^^
(co-admin nachi)
i'm brb dying and hold my heart tightly!!!
sebelumnya gue ngerasa kecewa karena g bisa nyempetin diri buat ketemu ama idola gue ini.. :((
BalasHapustapi,, ga papalah,, yang penting kim bum oppa bisa dateng ke indonesia...
nanti kalo mampir lagi,, gue usahain deh buat dateng....
kedatangan oppa gak tepat.. karena sekaarang lagi kaga punya duit.. hhe... :P
tapi,, semoga saja kim bum oppa tetap the number one di hati kita'' para bummies..
gomaweo ^^